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Access Music is a privately held manufacturer of musical instruments from Germany. Founded in 1997 with the mission to give hardware editors access the sound parameters buried in menu driven synthesizers. They soon found out that building their own synthesizer would be much more fun. The first Virus synth was a 12-voice virtual analog synthesizer, unique in comparison to competitor products in that it wasn't trying to clone any particular vintage product. This ultimately gave Access Music the freedom to evolve the sound engine in creative directions, which they took full advantage of, even offering completely free software updates. Artists from Depeche Mode to Prodigy, from Sasha to Hans Zimmer, NIN to Neptunes and Linkin Park to Dr. Dre rely on it on their tours and in the studio. Today, the Virus is one of the most sought after products in the industry and frequent free software updates have become the hallmark of Access Music.